Agam Little Millet (Samai) 500g

Millets are special amongst grains as they are nutritious, Gluten free, Non-sticky and Non-acid-forming.
For those who are healthy conscious and wary about what the eat, Experts suggest that millets should be a part of their daily regular diet.
Little millet is called as Samai in Tamil.
Little millet is a traditional crop and suitable for all age groups. It is a relative of proso millet but seeds of little millet are much smaller than proso millet.
It is mostly consumed as Rice. As little millets are smaller in size, It cooks faster than millets.
The dietary fiber and resistant starch in little millet exhibit hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects.
Little millet has a significant role in providing nutrceutical components such as phenols, tannins, and phytates along with other nutrients.
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